Damian Lillard addressed supporters who have been disapproving of his alleged trade request in a recent interview. Lillard acknowledged fans’ complaints and concerns, but questioned whether he had deceived them. He reiterated his dedication to the Portland Trail Blazers and stated his ambition to win a championship with the franchise. Lillard also stated that his request for a trade was prompted by a desire to assess the organization’s commitment to developing a competitive roster.

He emphasized his devotion to the supporters and how much he appreciates their support. Lillard understood the value of open communication and committed to keep supporters informed of any developments. While some fans may be dissatisfied, Lillard hopes they recognize his point of view and continue to support him and the club. The article discusses Lillard’s response, highlighting his devotion to both the fans and his desire to succeed in Portland.

While a few fans were genuinely upset are the trade request…

Most fans were supportive of his request due to the fact he has given his heart and soul to the team: 

We’re sure Dame is eagerly awaiting the completion of a deal so he can move on to the next stage of his career.

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